Infographics for a total lunar eclipse

Got the chance to make some infographics for Planetario USACH again, this time to explain the total lunar eclipse that happened earlier today. I’m particularly proud of the third image—saying “friday at 3AM” got a lot of people confused (“is it Thursday night or Friday night???”), so in a last-minute flash of inspiration I decided to add a timeline to make it reeeeeally hard to get it wrong. It’s very simple, but I think it gets the point across!

Did I watch the eclipse? I tried, but I stayed up until 2AM and then I was so exhausted that I gave up and fell asleep. Oh well…

My 2024 Planner: Hobonichi Weeks (3)

Happy holidays! 2024 is almost over, but I wasn’t gonna let the year end without my ✨ yearly planner post!! ✨

This is my third year in a row using the Hobonichi Weeks (here’s my posts for 2022 and 2023). There’s no big changes in how I used it compared to previous years, but there’s always little tweaks to the system as I find what works best for my needs 🙂

Tamagotchis and the joy of making things

About a month ago I sent in the final pages for the sequel to The Do-Over. I still have to finish the cover and some final details, but we’re mostly done with book work!! 🎉 Time to…do something else? catch up with things? rest…??

In that context, me and my friend Gaby decided to go to a local Tamagotchi fan meetup! When I told Rodrigo about it, he said “what if you make a zine to bring to the meetup?”, and I was like…what IF I make a zine to bring to the meetup?? And so, in a little under a week, I came up with this one-page zine about my Tamagotchi collection:

What Happened to Pluto?

Did you know it’s been 18 years since Pluto stopped being a planet?

This is a little comic I made for Planetario USACH* explaining why Pluto is no longer a planet—going from the definition of planet, to the history of new planets being discovered, and finally the IAU’s 2006 definition of planet and the creation of “dwarf planets” as a separate category.

(*this is why the comic is in Spanish…I still wanted to document this here, though!)

I’ve been thinking a lot about science and comics lately…for a long time I’ve been doing both things separately, keeping my distance between my two jobs, but I want to move more into the intersection of both things. It feels more like playing to my strengths, right? Anyway, I had a great time working on this and I’m looking forward to making more science comics in the future! ✨